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This weekend, we had a super exciting ‘first’ for our female football players from St. Pauls Primary school in Bo-Kaap: they participated in their very first football match at Maccabi Unity Cup at the Green Point Cricket field in Cape Town, South Africa. Although our girls have challenged each other internally, this was the first time they played against girls from other teams. There were a total of 5 teams participating, and at the end of an eventful day, their hard work was rewarded by a traditional South African braai (also known cross-culturally as a ‘barbeque’).

Proudly rocking fierce, orange jerseys, our players participated in an equally fierce match – even though they didn’t win the first game, we were proud of the dedication, skills and big smiles they showed throughout the match.

We were happy to see two parents actively supporting their daughters from the sidelines. With all the excitement building, two of our volunteers even lost their voices cheering the players on!

Overall, we had a great experience which has motivated our girls to train even harder for the upcoming match in July.

Girls and Football SA wants to give a special thanks to the organization of the Maccabi Unity Cup for organizing this successful day and for reaching out to us, to the individuals who helped transport the girls and to Mark Grainer’s generous donation of football shorts and boots.